Media Cluster Parameters

The Media Cluster parameters are described in the table below.

Media Cluster Parameters



'Cluster Mode'

configure network > mtc settings > sbc-cluster-mode


Enables the Cluster feature.

[0] Disabled = (Default) Disables the Cluster feature. All media resources (forwarding and transcoding) reside locally on the device.
[1] Media Cluster = Enables the Elastic Media Cluster feature. All media resources (forwarding and transcoding) reside on external Media Components (MC).

Note: This option is applicable only to Mediant CE SB.


For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.

'Device Role'

configure network > mtc settings > sbc-device-role


Defines the device's role in the cluster.

[0] Signaling Component (default)
[1] Media Component

Note: For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.


Defines the connectivity mode between the Signaling Component and the Media Components in the media cluster for the management of the Media Components.

[0] = Non-secured (TCP)
[1] = (Default) Secured (TLS)

For more information, see Media Cluster Secured Connectivity.

'Cluster Graceful Timeout'

configure network > mtc settings > graceful-timeout


Defines the graceful period (in seconds) for various maintenance actions performed by the Cluster Manager on the Media Components.

The valid value is 0 to 2,000,000. The default is 1,000.

For more information, see Configuring Graceful Timeout.


Enables the two devices (1+1) in the HA system to retain the settings of their networking tables (e.g., IP Interfaces table, Ethernet Devices table, etc.), instead of synchronizing them (as usually done). This means that each device has its own set of IP interfaces and addresses. This configuration is required for HA configurations that use Load Balancers to steer traffic.

[0] = (Default) Disable
[1] = Enable


For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.
The parameter is applicable to the following devices:
Mediant CE on Azure or Google Cloud
Mediant VE in HA configuration on Google Cloud


Enables the device (Cluster Manager) to automatically upload the same software version used by it to a newly added Media Component, if its image repository is not loaded with a software version file (.cmp) for the Media Component.

[0] = (Default) Disable. The Media Component continues using its currently installed software version. However, this may cause compatibility issues between the new Media Component and the Cluster Manager if the Media Component is using a later version (received, for example, from Marketplace) than that used by the Cluster Manager.
[1] = Enable.

For more information, see Upgrading the Cluster Software Version.

Note: The parameter is applicable only to Mediant CE (i.e., Elastic Media Cluster mode).